Systemic Profiling Archives
A list of articles demonstrating the manifold problems with systemic profiling: ‘Affirmative Action, ‘DEI,’ etc.
Atheist Glasses

The godless perspective of the world is as broken as broken can be.
Godless Types Intro
Common epigraph to all of the atheist godless type posts.
The Atheist’s Hope
The atheistic godless world view is devoid of hope.
Atheist Godless Types

No matter what they call themselves, they are representatives of the same squalid world view.
Atheists Keep Using That Word

The atheist world view is devoid of meaning.
Down the Primrose Path

Another tale of woe from a simatheist abandoned to the tutelage of the world.
The Atheist’s Journey
There are no living atheists.
Don’t Lay Low, Please Just Go Away
Fear of lawsuits is the only compelling reason for a business to adopt a Disinformation, Exaggeration, and Inaccuracy (DEI) policy.
Atheist Tears

The atheist godless types bring only a moral vacuum and chaos to the world.