Where’s the D-Day Doodle?
It’s a fitting cultural commentary upon the shallowness, apathy, and moral vacuity of our day that Google has an entire site dedicated to a veritable tsunami of perversions, while D-Day, an historical event which should engender actual, and justified pride has nothing, absolutely nothing of such scale or breadth to commemorate it.
Please, Don’t Accept Christ as Your Savior
‘Accepting’ Christ is quite different than recognizing who He is and who you are.
Environmentally Friendly Foes
(in response to Electric Cars are Worse for Climate) Regardless of what this article says (as well as what many others say) about the harm that these cars do and will be doing to the environment, the fact is that many (most?) of the people who bought these ‘environmentally friendly’ cars did it less for the […]
The Importance of Being Earnestly Socialized
As homeschoolers, from time to time, either I or my wife is asked about how we are ‘socializing’ our children, or the importance of ‘socialization’ is brought to the fore. The vast majority of people who use the word socialization in the context of education have neither thought about what it is to ‘socialize’ a […]
The Death of the Miraculous
The car rockets down the track as if on rails, precise, controlled, purposeful. The balancing act between not succumbing to the prosaic in the name of safety, and embracing the chaotic in the name of a win is masterfully executed. Then, the film slows down. The car, unhinged from precision, control, and purpose, leaves the […]
This Just In!
There has never been a time in human experience where ready, global access to the news has been more pervasive. Not only do our radios continually adumbrate a caricature of the sum total of human experience, but there are dedicated news channels, print newspapers (yes, people still read them), Google News, and countless other means […]