97 Year-Old Tom Rice Remembers D-Day with Jump
Great little minds claim right to act the wrong.
John ClareChild Harold
Google's recent paean to homosexuality, a host of other perversions, and abnegations of reality in an elaborate 'doodle' was brought to the forefront of my mind when I considered that on D-Day there was no commensurate recognition of, let alone tribute, from Google to the actual sacrifice and true bravery of those such as Tom Rice who stormed the beaches of Normandy 75 years ago, and this moved me to reflect that in the relatively short span of three or so decades, that which the Fourth Estate and their cohorts in corporate America desire us to cherish as a culture are as foreign to me as the worldview of a Stalin or Mao, and equally bereft of worth.
Indeed, even a few moments of reflection upon what was being celebrated in our news sources in the 1980's and what is being celebrated now will lead all sober-minded people to do the same as Hamlet's father who, upon considering his own character as contrasted with Hamlet's uncle, exclaimed "what a falling off was there!" Certainly, unlike Hamlet's father, the 80's could not possibly be held up as a paradigm of virtue, far from it: the groundwork for the final assaults upon reality and morality had already been built and reinforced prior to that decade as attacks upon marriage and family, and the murder of the unborn bear ample witness. The 'mental health experts' (the same ones who tell us today that it's 'healthy' for children to experiment with transvestism) informed us via the 'science' of psychology that children didn't need both parents, and that point in fact, mothers alone sufficed because 'research' had demonstrated that fathers were superfluous. Therefore, while it is certainly true that all of this was just another step in the downward direction of a journey which had begun decades prior, it is also true that as the rotting fruits of moral indifference, ignorance, and self-absorption have accumulated, so has the magnitude of our velocity towards dissolution.
The opportunistic moves made by the homosexuals and others within the rapidly crowded pavilion of perversions since that time bring to mind the manner in which the atheistic, socialist Nazis, upon seeing that the United States and Christendom did nothing when the atheistic, socialist regime of Stalin and Co. systematically murdered tens of millions of their own people, believed that when they unleashed their murderous plans upon Europe, they could count upon that same apathy and moral paralysis.1Due to the lack of freedom of the press in the Soviet Union, coupled with the fact that it, at that time, was considerably behind the West in terms of organization and record keeping, it's well-nigh impossible to obtain accurate records, but some estimate that under that atheistic regime, in the Ukraine alone four-million human beings were systematically starved to death. History demonstrates that Hitler was wrong, partly because the United States and the West (rightly or wrongly) viewed the Soviet Union as backwards and more Asiatic than Occidental, but also because there was at that time the requisite bond of Christian beliefs (if not practices) yet remaining between the United States and the West to recognize that there is such a thing as an inviolable moral standard which must hold sway that represents the highest ideals imaginable2The teachings of Christ, i.e. Christianity., and that good and evil are abstractions only to the foolish.
In like fashion, the homosexuals and other deviants took their cue from observing how the American public moved seamlessly, and with nary a complaint, from the nuclear family, to nuclear war upon the family. The campaign to remake the image of the United States into a congeries of moral contradictions where the specimens of morbidity, once relegated to the darkest recesses of the human mind and habitat, now parade across our screens, in our schools, in our libraries, and in our streets, has been absolutely and unequivocally victorious, where we must bear in mind that 'victory,' a word which generally connotes the triumph of good over evil, or the attainment of that which is excellent and worthy, is being abused in this context. But this triumph has not been a victory of truth, nor intellect, nor history, nor morality: the teeming masses, the bourgeois, were utterly prostrate before the media blitzkrieg waged in the name of 'freedom' and 'equality' ever began. It is akin to the tank-drivers who killed the unarmed Chinese dissidents in Tiananmen Square patting themselves upon the back for crushing their opposition.3The death toll remains unknown to this day, for the same reasons we don’t know the death tolls within that other socialist paradise, the Soviet Union. James Russell Lowell stated that "the idol is the measure of the worshipper," and with companies like Google and many, many others choosing who and what we are to idolize, we are increasingly a people who feast upon garbage.
All that being said, Google has the freedom to decide what it will 'doodle' and what it won't, but we must bear in mind that Google and other companies would not give such short shrift to events which actually merit our accolades and admiration, nor, more importantly, fete and lionize that which is repellent in history, to humanity, and to God, if we the demos didn't acquiesce to it with our dollars and our moral lethargy.
Some may protest that because Google 'honored' Memorial Day with a doodle, it is therefore conceivable that it's unfair to characterize them as being remiss in acknowledging the great events and accomplishments that are decidedly American which warrant our praise. In response, I make the following observations upon the two doodles we are here considering:
- Memorial Day Doodle
- It was drab, cheap, and elicited much confusion among those who saw it. It amounted to a grayscale rendition of their logo, a feat of artistry and skill which can be achieved with a single click within just about any image-editing software.
- It is obvious that this was done, not out of love or admiration for those who have given their
lives for worthy ideals, but rather out of opportunism and social obligation, for if Google had
ignored both Memorial Day and D-Day (at least for the time being), then they could be called to
account unequivocally.
- But, but, Google did a great doodle for Veterans Day last year, didn't they?4Nope. On the doodle page we see front and center, a huge thanks given to storycorps.org. Who are they, what are they about you might ask? According to Dave Isay, the founder of StoryCorps, it works "to preserve the personal histories of gay people who lived before Stonewall and to make their voices a permanent part of American history, preserved at the Library of Congress." The homepage greets us with "He would sit and tell us what it was like to be gay in 1890." and "Stonewall Outloud." At least one of the featured veterans in the doodle is homosexual. Like the perversions it advocates, Google apparently just can't help itself.
- By paying the bare modicum of lip service to Memorial Day, they have in essence, done 'just
enough' and have thereby proleptically closed the door on any negative press or feedback which
they might receive. Dr. Johnson's observation that "Patriotism is the last refuge of a
scoundrel" comes to mind here.
- And hence, a D-Day doodle would have been 'too much.'
- Shame Doodle
- This garish encomium in celebration of shame (for indeed the beliefs and actions are shameful)5Richard Weaver observed that "all education is learning to name rightly." As we are no longer capable of naming rightly, it's hard to argue that we are an educated society. was elaborate almost to the point of tedium, and left no one confused as to its message, nor that Google is a strong endorser of it.
- It is obvious that this was done, not out of social obligation, but out of a different breed of opportunism coupled with an idolization and admiration for a movement which has nothing to be proud of, all driven by a socialist bastion of bastardized ideas with little to no foundation in history, reason, or experience.
- With their gushing enthusiasm and lachrymose relating of the carefully-edited and bowdlerized key moments in the history of this shameful movement towards anarchy, Google has demonstrated that in the pursuit of the adoration of the pathological, 'too much' is never enough.
In juxtaposing these two doodles, it's hard not to conclude that if there is such a thing as 'damning with faint praise', then the Memorial Day doodle certainly qualifies. Hence, it is indeed a fitting cultural commentary upon the shallowness, apathy, and moral vacuity of our day that Google hosts a dedicated site (pride.google), and has funded and endorsed yet another dedicated site (stonewallforever.org) with a $1 million dollar grant (announced here with all undue pomp and circumstance two years ago), all of which are committed to a veritable parade of depravities, while an event such as D-Day that should engender actual, and justified pride has nothing, absolutely nothing of such commitment, scale, or breadth to commemorate it.
The fact that equalitarian democracy, to the extent that it makes leadership superfluous or impossible, is repudiating teleology must not be overlooked here. Teleology enjoins from above; equalitarian democracy takes its counsel without point of reference.
Richard WeaverIdeas Have Consequences
In composing this entry, I re-read Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.'s Memorial Day speech given in 1884. I also read (and listened to) Eisenhower's D-Day speech. As I read and listened, I was struck with how hollow, impoverished, and meretricious the battle cries of the shame movement appear when compared with the words of true heroism, for the former is pathologically self-centered while the latter inheres the beauty of other-centeredness, and so it then becomes crystal clear why holidays like Memorial Day and historical events like D-Day are unsung by the enemies of light. The words spoken upon these events represent humanity at its best, striving for the highest ideals, and fighting against darkness, and because they do so, because the comparison is so stark, they must be suppressed, de-emphasized, and eventually wiped from our collective consciousness by degrees at first, and then with the increased vigor which we have been seeing, an inclination that is latent in the hearts of all who recognize their aberration, know that it is loathsome, but pursue it nonetheless. This tendency towards the hatred and envy of superiority, of the good, lurks within the heart of democracy for the quite simple reason that it lurks within the human heart. That this connection and tendency is neither revelatory nor recent, but has instead been well-documented and understood by past generations will be amply attested to by the following excerpts from a variety of authors:
The demand for equality has two sources; one of them is among the noblest, the other is the basest of human emotions. The noble source is the desire for fair play. But the other source is the hatred of superiority.
C. S. LewisDemocratic Education
When democracy is taken from its proper place and is allowed to fill the entire horizon, it produces an envious hatred not only of all distinction but even of all difference. The ensuing distortion conceals its very purpose, which is to keep natural inequalities from obtruding in the one area where equality has intelligible function. The reason we consent to treat men as equals in this area of activity is that we know they are not equals in other areas. The fanatical democrat insists upon making them equal in all departments, regardless of the type of activity and vocation.
Richard WeaverThe Image of Culture
A permanent feature of democracy, always and everywhere, is a tendency to suppress the claims of any kind of superiority, conventional or natural, essentially by denying that there is superiority, particularly with respect to ruling. … Elitism is the catch-all epithet expressing our disapproval of the proud and the desire to be first. But, unsupported and excoriated, this part of the soul lives on, dwelling underground, receiving no sublimating education.
Alan BloomThe Closing of the American Mind
If the people are ever won over to hostility to such ideals, it is only because they are cheated by demagogues who tell them that if all the flowers of civilization were destroyed its fruits would become more abundant. A greater share of happiness, people think, would fall to their lot could they destroy everything beyond their own possible possessions. But they are made thus envious and ignoble only by a deception: what they really desire is an ideal good for themselves which they are told they may secure by depriving others of their preeminence. Their hope is always to enjoy perfect satisfaction themselves;
George SantayanaThe Poetry of Barbarism
The following thoughts, the first from Holmes and the second from Eisenhower, point to that which is highest, what is best in human endeavor, faith, sacrifice, and duty, the last of which is unheard of in the howls of the vandals who rove unhinged throughout our society at every level. Unsurprisingly, the God and the world view invoked throughout both of the following was not the pantheistic conception, nor the panentheistic, nor the polytheistic, nor the Muslim, nor the deistic conception, nor was it the rejection of God, but it was in fact the God as revealed in the Holy Bible of Christianity, a point made abundantly clear by Russell Kirk in The Roots of American Order: namely that the United States and the West are products of the moral order which Christianity brought, for if men's souls be not ordered, there can be no hope for an ordered society.
"So to the indifferent inquirer who asks why Memorial Day is still kept up we may answer, it celebrates and solemnly reaffirms from year to year a national act of enthusiasm and faith. It embodies in the most impressive form our belief that to act with enthusiasm and faith is the condition of acting greatly."
"But the men, not less, perhaps even more, characteristic of New England, were the Puritans of our day. For the Puritan still lives in New England, thank God! and will live there so long as New England lives and keeps her old renown. New England is not dead yet. She still is mother of a race of conquerors--stern men, little given to the expression of their feelings, sometimes careless of their graces, but fertile, tenacious, and knowing only duty."
"There is one who on this day is always present on my mind. He entered the army at nineteen, a second lieutenant. In the Wilderness, already at the head of his regiment, he fell, using the moment that was left him of life to give all of his little fortune to his soldiers. I saw him in camp, on the march, in action. I crossed debatable land with him when we were rejoining the Army together. I observed him in every kind of duty, and never in all the time I knew him did I see him fail to choose that alternative of conduct which was most disagreeable to himself. He was indeed a Puritan in all his virtues, without the Puritan austerity; for, when duty was at an end, he who had been the master and leader became the chosen companion in every pleasure that a man might honestly enjoy. His few surviving companions will never forget the awful spectacle of his advance alone with his company in the streets of Fredericksburg."
"All that the world has a right to know has been told by a beloved friend in a book wherein friendship has found no need to exaggerate facts that speak for themselves. I knew him, and I may even say I knew him well; yet, until that book appeared, I had not known the governing motive of his soul. I had admired him as a hero. When I read, I learned to revere him as a saint. His strength was not in honor alone, but in religion; and those who do not share his creed must see that it was on the wings of religious faith that he mounted above even valiant deeds into an empyrean of ideal life."
Oliver Wendell Holmes Jr.Memorial Day 1884
"You are about to embark upon the great crusade...I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty, and skill in battle...Good Luck! And let us all beseech the blessing of All-mighty God upon this great and noble undertaking"
Dwight D. EisenhowerD-Day 1944
As even a casual perusal of the following will make manifestly clear, the clarion call of this degenerate movement is not duty to others, but the love of self, not of sacrifice for others, but of sacrificing everything but the self in the name of whichever perversion one has chosen to perpetuate, and of making those of us with normal proclivities bend and warp what is real to fit the varied perverse narratives. It is ironic that an ideology that has been built upon the idea of 'self love,' engenders so much self hate that its adherents are willing to undergo the most barbaric butcheries imaginable in order to remake what actually is into what is actually worshiped (think gender 'reassignment' surgeries here). For the other members within this hall of shame, the difference is one of degrees, not kind. While it is certainly true that all of this should invoke great pity in our hearts, it is certainly just as true that it should not be condoned.
"Love yourself, whatever makes you different, and use it to make you stand out. Mine is my voice and the fact that I'm gay: well, the fact that I'm flamboyantly gay." —Ross Matthews
"All of us who are openly gay are living and writing the history of our movement. We are no more - and no less - heroic than the suffragists and abolitionists of the 19th century" —Tammy Baldwin
"Gender transition in its many forms is simply another kind of motion. I lived in a body-mind assigned female at birth and made peace with it as a girl, a tomboy, a dyke, a queer woman, a butch. But uncovering my desire to transition—to live as a genderqueer, a female-to-male transgender person, a white guy—challenged everything I thought I knew about self-acceptance and love." —Elizabeth Clare (transvestite)
"Everybody's journey is individual. You don't know with whom you're going to fall in love. … If you fall in love with a boy, you fall in love with a boy. The fact that many Americans consider it a disease says more about them than it does about homosexuality." —James Baldwin
"By the time I set foot in Thailand, I knew there could be nothing worse than living another day with a penis dangling between my legs...Self-definition and self-determination is about the many varied decisions that we make to compose and journey toward ourselves, about the audacity and strength to proclaim, create, and evolve into who we know ourselves to be." —Charles Mock III (transvestite)
"Here was a neighborhood and a community where I could begin to love myself more and hate myself less, where I finally felt accepted, where I didn’t have to hide or pretend, where I could fully be me and find others like me." —Erich Nagler
"I would say [it’s] like the Kinsey scale with sexuality from zero to six, where zero is exclusively heterosexual and six is exclusively homosexual. I think that gender’s similar where you know if one is female and six is male I’m probably a four. Gender can exist on a spectrum." —Courtney Act
When one has considered these words from the two perspectives presented above, one is led ineluctably to the conclusion that they are as far from one another as the East is from the West, and that the twain shall never meet6The Ballad of East and West, Rudyard Kipling.. It is apparent to all who have eyes to see and ears to hear how pale and empty the motivating ideas of the shame movement appear in contrast to the transcendent ideals which have animated and nourished the Western tradition, and hence, as we have become a society that calls evil good, and good evil, that puts darkness for light, and light for darkness, it makes perfect sense that the Memorial Day doodle would be drained of all color, and that D-Day would be ignored. How terrible and tragic, that these poor souls, laden with desires and habits inimical to God and to nature, instead of being instructed, admonished, and encouraged to look outward to the light, are instead encouraged through the dialectic of despair to look ever further downward into the heart of darkness that lies within.
- 1Due to the lack of freedom of the press in the Soviet Union, coupled with the fact that it, at that time, was considerably behind the West in terms of organization and record keeping, it's well-nigh impossible to obtain accurate records, but some estimate that under that atheistic regime, in the Ukraine alone four-million human beings were systematically starved to death.
- 2The teachings of Christ, i.e. Christianity.
- 3The death toll remains unknown to this day, for the same reasons we don’t know the death tolls within that other socialist paradise, the Soviet Union.
- 4Nope. On the doodle page we see front and center, a huge thanks given to storycorps.org. Who are they, what are they about you might ask? According to Dave Isay, the founder of StoryCorps, it works "to preserve the personal histories of gay people who lived before Stonewall and to make their voices a permanent part of American history, preserved at the Library of Congress." The homepage greets us with "He would sit and tell us what it was like to be gay in 1890." and "Stonewall Outloud." At least one of the featured veterans in the doodle is homosexual. Like the perversions it advocates, Google apparently just can't help itself.
- 5Richard Weaver observed that "all education is learning to name rightly." As we are no longer capable of naming rightly, it's hard to argue that we are an educated society.
- 6The Ballad of East and West, Rudyard Kipling.