Don’t Lay Low, Please Just Go Away
Fear of lawsuits is the only compelling reason for a business to adopt a Disinformation, Exaggeration, and Inaccuracy (DEI) policy.
Neil deGrasse Tyson and the Lily Gilders

Neil deGrasse Tyson serves as an example par excellence for the collapse of educational standards in the West due to Affirmative Action and DEI (i.e., systemic profiling).
Mom’s Mind
What each of us holds to be true is what distinguishes us in time and eternity.
The Great and the Little

Language is yet another phenomenon that cannot be explained via the evolutionary hypothesis.
The Importance of Being Earnestly Socialized
As homeschoolers, from time to time, either I or my wife is asked about how we are ‘socializing’ our children, or the importance of ‘socialization’ is brought to the fore. The vast majority of people who use the word socialization in the context of education have neither thought about what it is to ‘socialize’ a […]
This Just In!
There has never been a time in human experience where ready, global access to the news has been more pervasive. Not only do our radios continually adumbrate a caricature of the sum total of human experience, but there are dedicated news channels, print newspapers (yes, people still read them), Google News, and countless other means […]