Neil deGrasse Tyson and the Lily Gilders

Neil deGrasse Tyson serves as an example par excellence for the collapse of educational standards in the West due to Affirmative Action and DEI (i.e., systemic profiling).

Why Not?

In the beginning was the Word. In the end incoherence.


Loving one’s family is no hallmark of righteousness.

Mom’s Mind

What each of us holds to be true is what distinguishes us in time and eternity.

The Etymology of Inspiration

As is the case with many word which in times past would drip with meaning and relevance, ‘inspire’ is used and abused at almost every turn. Both the OED and Webster’s inform us that ‘inspire’ has spiritual overtones. The OED, being a diachronic dictionary, goes a bit deeper and points to the earliest figurative use […]